Learn by contributing to Open Source.

Improve your coding skills and work with mentors from Open Source community.

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How does it work?

We connect Open Source project maintainers with people who want to gather more experience in coding.


You tell us what would you like to learn or get better at. We learn what is interesting to you and what is your current skill level.


We provide you a tailored list of potential problems to solve. Issues come from Open Source projects which need some extra help from the community.


You choose a problem and start learning! We connect you with the project maintainers and make sure you know where to start.

Sample tasks

Feel free to pick them up!

Difficulty Title Tags Link
easy [Python] Upgrade flask - to avoid a security vuln
python backend help needed good first issue
easy Configure the API url in TasksListContainer.js
react help needed good first issue
easy Move jpviewbill.html code into react component
react frontend good first issue
easy [Easy] Fix lint errors!
react frontend good first issue help needed
intermediate [UI][React] Save the JWT token in a cookie/local storage to not require the user to login every time
ui react help needed good first issue
intermediate [Python][Backend] Use an external file for configuration of main.py
python backend help needed good first issue
intermediate [website] replace .css with React implementation of Font Awesome
react enhancement good first issue
intermediate Warning message from React
react good first issue help needed
intermediate Clicking on `CB React-Lite-UI` logo should take the user to '/'
react good first issue
advanced add a `Switch` component
react good first issue enhancement


We are in beta and can't serve everyone just yet. Sign up to get on the waiting list.

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